“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me.” John 10:27
That God speaks to His children by the voice and the guidance of the Holy Spirit should not be a revelation, though unfortunately it is for some who have been taught the voice of God is not for today. That God only leads us by His written Word, our conscious and for a chosen few the unction, inspiration or leading of the Holy Spirit is a fallacy of faith.
God, the Holy Spirit can and does still speak to His children with His voice today. Sometimes He speaks with a still, quiet voice within our own spirits, but it is undeniable His voice. Other times though it cannot be seen or traced, His voice can be heard as if He was sitting beside you whispering in your ear.
Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
If we are willing to learn His voice and obey what we hear Ge will continue to lead and guide us by His voice (which should always line up with written Word and the principles therein).
God not only desires that we obey His voice when He initiates the conversation but He also wants us to inquire of Him, meaning seek His counsel and guidance in all things.
Proverbs 3;5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
David who was a man after God’s own heart inquired of the Lord in all things. A person only inquires of another when they believe that:
1. The person can hear them and is listening to them.
2. The person will respond with counsel directly related to the inquiry.
When we are new, baby Christians it’s easy to take hearing the Lord’s voice for granted even though it should be treasured and counted as precious. After a while the Lord expects us to understand the privilege of hearing His voice and the importance of obeying what we hear. If you’ve ever heard and had the privilege of being led by His undeniable voice then you know the preciousness and privilege thereof.
However, we can come to such a point that we cannot not hear God’s voice.
When there is so much chatter going on in your mind and spirit because you have let other voices in — the voice of worldly ambition, offense, fear, or simply the distractions of daily life you will not be able to hear God and at some point the Holy Spirit will stop speaking while He waits for you to turn you ear back to Him again.
This can also imply that you have gone your own way and left off from obeying the voice of the Lord. “To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry,” 1 Samuel 15:22 and 23 (read 1 Samuel 15 for the full story).
It doesn’t have to be big things, any time God tells you to do something, small or great it is for a purpose. All of His instructions hold the same significance to Him.
I have been there, and it’s one of the most dangerous place for a Christian to be because we are left to our own wisdom and other voices to figure life out.
God’s calling is without repentance. Whatever He called you to do He will allow you to do for the sake of His people, for a time… I am a woman with a prophetic grace, one who hear’s God accurately and speaks on His behalf as the Spirit wills, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, foretelling of events and such. I am an intercessor and I know how to rely on and follow the Spirit’s leading under the anointing during prayer. However, there is a responsibility as ministers we all have to hear and be led by the Holy Spirit for our own personal lives. This requires relationship and personal obedience to the word of God, His voice and His written Word.
While I cannot be sure, I assume that many in ministry are standing on this same dangerous ground – hearing God for the people but disobeying God and ignoring His voice in their personal lives. After a while it we affect how we follow Him in ministry. The good news is we can repent and get back on track when we return to Him with our whole hearts.
If you’ve gotten to a point that you cannot hear God’s voice here’s what you can do:
1. Confession your sin to the Lord, that you heard and did not obey and that you went your own way.
2. Ask Him to speak to you again, when you are willing and ready to obey.
3. If He told you to do something and you know He still wants you to do it, do it without anymore delay.
4. Surrender all.
5. Get rid of distractions and take some time to be still so you can hear.
Beloved, you can hear God again, or for the very first time if you desire too.
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