Choosing a word each year to anchor your soul in and center your life around is one of the best ways to focus on the things that really matter to you. It will also help you live a more intentional life.

So, if you haven’t chosen your word yet, get if done!
You can go even deeper by choosing a corresponding scripture verse to help remind you of why you chose the word you did. You can also choose a motto to remind you of the results you want to achieve by the end of the year. When you go deeper and find more ways to remind yourself of your word, you will have more of a chance of really walking in your word all year long and achieving your goals.
This year, my word is “Abide.â€
My verse is: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7
Because I really want to hold myself accountable I connected my word for the year with my core values. This way, as I abide in Christ I’m also reminded to abide in my values.
This principle will work for you whatever word you choose.  I created a YouTube video to share how you can incorporate your core values too.
Watch it here: How to Be Fruitful & Focus on What Matters Most in 2020 – Pick Your Word, Know Your Why
My friend Pam Farrell of has been choosing a word for the year since she was 19 years old.
Pam does a wonderful job of helping you choose your word in her My Best Year Ever workshop. In this workshop, she helps you choose not only your word but a scripture, a motto, a song, a fragrance, art, and she helps you come up with a clarifying question. You can purchase her worksheet for this workshop for $3.00 on her website.
By adding my core values to my word for the year and doing what Pam teaches in the workshop I know this will be my best year yet. That’s if I’m willing to do the work of abiding.
 If you’ve never taken time to discover your core values, I can help you. In my latest book Called Out – A Blueprint for Walking in Your Calling with Clarity, Confidence, and Courage,  I help you understand what core values are, why they’re important and how to define yours.  You can purchase it on my website or wherever books are sold.
Thank you Krista .My word is courage subtitle faith
You’re very welcome. My word is fearless.