“Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!’†Zachariah 4:7
Things in Common
Today I want to share two inspiring stories told by the women who interact with my on my Facebook page. It’s an honor that they would feel led to share their stories with me and then allow me to share them with you.  Though each of our stories is different, social media brought us together because we have some things in common – Jesus, motherhood, and doing it alone in the worst and the best of times. I was a teenager mother, and have been married, single and somewhere in between while raising my four children. By God’s grace I have been able to rewrite my story and see His grace move mountains in my life. I pray you are blessed and encouraged by the stories of God’s grace in the lives of single mothers.
Jennifer Turman
From Shipwrecked to Salvation

At age eighteen I became a mom for the first time. By age twenty-two I was a single mom of three babies, all different dads. At age twenty-four I rebelled because I felt I lost my teen years, as a result became addicted to cocaine. For six months I stayed high and broke. One June 13, 2004 I woke up in ICU on life support weighing barely 100lbs. I knew my babies needed me. I was all they had. I remember saying to God, “If you are real let make it and I will never go back.â€
On June 28 2004 I asked God to forgive me and welcomed Him into my heart but went back and forth being unstable for years. Finally in 2012 I found my way back to Him. Since then I have chosen to live my life for Christ.
The Wilderness
In June 2012 my kids and I moved to Florida to be closer to my family. In July my oldest daughter flew to Arizona to see her dad, then a day before she was to return she called to say she was staying. Her father can give her things I can’t but I know it can’t be the life God has for her because her father isn’t serving God. In Oct I lost my job and my car. On December 5, 2012 my kids and I ended up at a homeless shelter. We were there until March 22 2013.
I was very angry at first but God quickly showed me some things. First He showed me how He felt every time I left Him through the situation with my daughter. He then revealed to me that I was in the wilderness stage of my faith. This brought healing and understanding to my heart. After this I was able to get out of the homeless shelter. I now have my own home and a job I love doing.
Grace to Go Forward
After entering into motherhood at a young age, being homeless, and having two failed marriages I still believe God is with me and He is faithful. There is hope in Him. No matter how bad our earthly circumstances seem, God is in control. He brought me out of so many terrible things, provided for me, and made a way when I thought there was no way! He is the great I AM! We are more than conquers in Him!
Udell Modeste
 Pregnant without a Plan

I got laid off my job in March of 20009, a few months after that I got pregnant with my now two year old son Rian. I did not know what to do or where to turn. I had just moved into my apartment a few months before getting laid off. When I told my son’s father about the pregnancy he wanted no part of it! He told me the only money he would give me would be for an abortion. I was 32yrs old and pregnant with my first child. I had no job, no insurance, no nothing! I did not have a plan.
I cried and I prayed to God to tell me or show me what to do because at the same time I was in the process of getting hired for a job and I didn’t know if I should let the office manager know that I was pregnant. It was a tough decision to make, but eventually I told her that I was pregnant. I did not get hired. She very nicely  thanked me for being honest and told me to call back after I had my baby.
The Phone Call that Changed Everything
One Morning I woke up crying with thoughts of aborting my baby. As I reached for the yellow pages, flipping through looking for clinics, I came across a number to a church. I picked up my phone, dialed the number, and then when a woman answered I told her my situation. As she began speaking to me I remember crying so much I could not see straight. She told me to get dressed and come over to the church because they would help me. When I got there I was embraced with so much Love, it was unbelievable to me. From that moment on God gave me everything I needed for a healthy pregnancy. It was as if God Himself was right in the midst of my situation.
Grace for the Future
Now am a single mom, and enjoying it! I am taking online classes to become a Pharmacy Technician and maybe a pharmacist one day! The only men in my life are my God and my son. Even though I have always had a relationship with God, until recently I never felt like I gave Him my all. I did not surrender everything to Him. I held back, giving Him half of me.  Then a few months ago I had an experience that made me realize that I cannot do things on my own or fix things on my own.
Greater Expectations
My body is the temple of the Lord and I am worth the wait. I decided to let go and let God have His way in my life. My dream is that one day when the good Lord is ready, He will send me a good man who fears Him and who loves Him more than his own life. I want a man who will not only be my husband but my friend, confidant, and love the Lord as much as I do.
The dream I have for my son and any child/children the Lord blesses me with in the future is that they grow up in the Lord, not ashamed to speak highly of Him to their peers, stand on His promises, believe His words, and put Him first in everything they do. Also, I also pray for them to be successful in all their goals.
Blessings and Grace be to you,
Wow. Amen!!! This is awesome!!!