The One word I want to focus on and develop in my life this year is GRACE.
Toward the end of 2013 I decided that my mantra is now: “Living Intentionally,” which is to say that I will live on purpose, by design, with calculated actions and intent (more about this later, in another post).
The point is I want to make everyday count from now on. I want my life to glorify God, I want to be fruitful and grow spiritually, not just in my charismatic gifting and I want to develop in areas where I was weak. When God calls me home, whenever that day may be, “I want Him to say, “Well done!” so I must start now.
Everything I do and everything I choose to give my time and attention to must be in line with God’s will for me, so I will set my intentions – expected, hoped for outcome from the onset in all endeavors, making the most use of my time because the days are evil.
I did not choose my word, it choose me.
Grace called out my name and beckoned me to look beyond what I once knew or thought I knew, and see with new eyes, hear with new ears this wonderful news about God’s unmerited favor, taste anew the essence of His grace.
So, I set my intention, my aim, my target for this year, to focus on and establish myself in God’s Grace.
Grace is a multi-faceted word and has everything to do with our salvation and how we walk it out.
By grace we are saved. By grace we justified and made innocent before God. By grace we are empowered to serve God. Because of grace we don’t work for the blessings and promises of God, we can only receive them by faith.
Grace is: God’s graciousness and unmerited favor bestowed upon us. It is God’s bounteousness and kindness toward which He bequeathed upon us according to His own kindness. Grace is His divine influence upon our hearts, and its manifestation in our lives. His grace is what makes us acceptable in the Beloved Christ, gives us benefits, favor, free gifts and the joy of the LORD. The response to God’s grace should be gratitude.
Choosing to live by grace beyond the initial salvation experience is life changing because it forces us to let go of a “works” mentality and accept by faith that the work has already been completed in Christ, it demands that we walk by faith which takes more inner-strength and dependence on God then trying to work our way into God’s favor, His promises, and even heaven for some people.
This year I am determined to live by grace, to develop my faith muscles, and see the outward effects of inner-growth.
What is one word that describes how God is beckoning you, how you want to grow, what you want to gain, or the journey you want to take this year?
Linda Nucci says
my word for 2014 is forgiveness of self