On this podcast, I’m sharing from the book of Habbukkuk, what to do in between time.
Audio PlayerBy between time I mean between where you are and where you are going, when the vision is given and when the vision is fulfilled, the time in between spoken and answer prayer.
The book of Habakkuk is based on a conversation the prophet had with God about the nation of Israel in which he asks God a series of questions and God replies in a series of visions that were for an appointed time.
Habakkuk’s name means to embrace.
The book of Habakkuk shows us how to embrace the time in between by embracing His plan, His purpose, His timing, and His answers to your prayers.
The book only has three chapters. These chapters give us three keys to embracing the time in between.
The first one is watching for answers in the position of waiting prayer. The second is to keep a written record of the visions God gives you (what He shows you and what He speaks to you) when He answers you so that you can stand in faith. The third one is worshiping and rejoicing in the Lord even when things don’t change right away.
The first chapter of Habakkuk is about the burden he is carrying. We are to cast our burdens on the Lord but it’s hard to do this if you don’t have a vision of how God will deal with matters troubling you.
In chapter two Habakkuk watches and waits in prayer knowing that the answers God gives him may not be what he hoped for. But he knows God is good and faithful, and sovereign and the Ruler of everything. So when God gives him prophetic visions and tells him to write them down he does it.
The book sums up in chapter three with Habakkuk’s prayer and hymn of faith. He chooses to rejoice in the God of his salvation even though through the vision God gave him he realized that things were not going to change right away but he chose to embrace God’s timing and plan anyway.
Beloved, my prayer for you is that God will give you a vision regarding the burden you’ve been carrying, whatever that is, and give you faith to know that He will bring things to a good and righteous end. And, that you would accept and embrace what He shows with waiting faith, written vision, and rejoicing worship.
P.S. If you want to hear more teachings on how to get into the flow of God’s timing join us for Called Conference on Saturday, January 12, 2019.
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